The term Biomimicry arrises from the Greek words bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning to imitate. Biomimicry is today used as a source for mimicking nature`s way of living were its three basic principles are:

  1. Mimicking form/function: use nature´s physical form/function as inspiration for design.
  2. Mimicking process: use processes in nature as inspiration for design.
  3. Mimicking ecosystems: use interdependent functions of ecosystems in nature as inspiration for design.
Biomimicry video

Biomimicry video link

Biomimicry looks to mother nature´s 3.8 billion years of «research and development» to solve problems in the human life and its environments. Natural wisdom is light years ahead of us in experience, systems and structures three billion years of experience compared to technology.

Nature itself is beautiful. In it we find infinite variety of shapes, colours and species living together in a perfect, logical, unquestioning way. The only imperative for living in harmony with nature is mutual respect. A fact that the human specie has lost.

Early in their existence, humans stayed very close to nature. Their intimate and understanding relationship led to harmonious and balanced interaction. Time passed and they grew both in number and knowledge. Their attitudes changed to their surroundings, learning to protect themselves from inclement weather and enemies. Proud blinded by feelings of superority and power, they unwillingly became nature´s enemy. As the human specie moved further and further away from their origins they constructed living spaces foreign to their earlier existence (Senosiain, 2003).

To create a product of aesthetic sense and meaning we need to return to the source; nature. Cause who can create better design than nature it self?